Accessibility Plan

Executive Summary

PACEX Package Express Inc. (hereinafter PACEX) is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive environment for all staff and visitors. We pride ourselves on providing dignified and safe experiences for all members of the public and are committed to providing an environment that enables full participation and performance. Enabling people with disabilities aligns with our values, specifically:

Creating a barrier-free environment takes time, and we are dedicated to removing and preventing barriers for our people, candidates, suppliers, customers, and visitors. PACEX will build on our current efforts through the development of our initial Accessibility Plan as required under the Accessible Canada Act. This Accessibility Plan will guide our organization in meeting our accessibility commitments and in building an accessible environment for all.

Your Input & Feedback

PACEX welcomes feedback relating to our Accessibility Plan. We will carefully review any feedback received to ensure our Accessibility Plan remains current and effective.
Anyone who has an inquiry or feedback is encouraged to reach out to us using one of the contact methods listed below. We will respond to all feedback in a timely manner.
Contact: Human Resources
Mailing Address: 568 Beach Road, Hamilton, ON, L8H 3K9
Telephone: (905) 527-4171

Statement of Commitment

PACEX is committed to making our organization and the services we provide accessible. All Canadians have a right to live and work in a barrier-free environment, and we are committed to providing an inclusive environment for all.

Reporting Our Plan

As required by the Accessible Canada Act, we will publish a status report that shows our progress against our commitments. We will review and update our accessibility plan every three years. We will also measure our overall progress and how the plan influences the culture and experiences of our organization.

The Accessible Canada Act Principles

Addressing Areas Identified in the Accessible Canada Act

1. Employment

PACEX requires all team members to behave respectfully and inclusively. As such, employment barriers relating to any prohibited grounds of discrimination are removed, and people are enabled to fully participate and succeed.

Strengthen knowledge relating to accessibility for all current and future employees of PACEX.


Ensure that accessibility is considered throughout the recruitment and selection process.


2. Built Environment

Persons with disabilities face barriers in everyday life, such as parking lots and entryways and general access through many public and private facilities. At PACEX, we act in the interest of safety, wellness, and dignity. We are cognizant of barriers to the built environment and strive to identify, mitigate, and remove them whenever possible.


Eliminate all barriers that persons who are disabled face during emergency evacuations.



Ensure that all members of the public can access our facility.


3. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Information technology and digital communications will play a key role in our efforts to continually improve our operations and provide accessible services to our customers.


Increase access to information on our website for persons with disabilities.


4. Communication Other Than ICT

PACEX believes in open and honest communication and that various forms of communication must be available so that barriers are removed and meaningful conversations can be held.


Provide equitable access to information for all PACEX employees, customers, suppliers, and the public.


5. Procurement of Goods, Services, & Facilities

PACEX partners with external parties to ensure exceptional service to our customers. As part of our commitment to inclusivity, we will ensure no barriers are present throughout our procurement processes.

Increase awareness of accessibility so that PACEX procurement practices always take accessibility into consideration.


6. Design & Delivery of Programs & Services

PACEX is committed to providing a workplace free of barriers to inclusion and performance. We believe we are better together and aim to increase voices in the conversation.

Create a guideline that facilitates policy and decision-making considering accessibility.


Increase feedback regarding our current and future programs and services.


7. Transportation

PACEX has no transportation modifications related to accessibility. Appropriate accommodation can be made where an employee requires accessibility features to operate a company vehicle. However, any potential modifications made for employees must comply with the Ministry of Transportation Regulations.



PACEX strives to create an environment where all individuals can fully participate and welcomes meaningful communication and conversation so that we may continuously improve. While developing our Accessibility Plan, the following consultations were made to gather feedback and input:


Refers to the needs of persons with disabilities being intentionally and thoughtfully considered when products, services, and facilities are built or modified so they can be used and enjoyed by persons of all abilities.

The Accessible Canada Act defines a disability as "any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment-or a functional limitation- whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, interaction with a barrier, hinders a person's full and equal participation in society."

The Accessible Canada Act defines a barrier as "anything-including anything physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice-that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment or a functional limitation."